Thursday, April 24, 2008

Kitchen and Pantry

The aroma of wet pavement rises like dough, the sun parts the clouds like the sea, buildings drip the excess fluid, lovely is this day in London, a red haired young woman just exchanged smiles with me, my cigarettes is running low, I see many people, tall and short, thin and not, smiling and concerned, old and young, dirty and clean, locals and foreigns, bicycles and automobiles, stationary and in motion, shades and spectacles, beautiful in all their own unique way, I'm sitting at a cafe and this is just yet another typical day in London.


Rain drops go pitter pat pitter pat on my hat as I sat,
I watched as she pranced clutching her duffel her feet went shuffle shuffle,
The cars passed and made a boom boom sound as they went zoom,
The street lights change, green yellow red, red yellow green yellow red,
And the people waited for the little man to rotate, he went red man green man red man green man red green red red green green green,
I started these words and ruptured a beat and I loved the ring and it went,
Pitter pat pitter pat on my hat I sat duffel shuffle shuffle boom boom zoom green yellow red, red yellow green red man green man red man green red red green green green and this is what I sing.

Puppet Master

The glaze over your eyes
The tone in your voice
The Stance of your body
Tell me your name
Speak through this boy
You own his thoughts
How long have you consumed him?
Your being cast a shadow over his face
You have two personalities
You are aggressive
You are defient
You are inhuman 
What world are you from
What gateway was opened to you?
You are eating him alive
Are you hungry
Are you sick
Are you begging for a break
Are you strung out
You are foe
Do you follow him everywhere
Are you sucking his blood
What is you and what is him
You are poison 
You are destruction
Are you winning
Is this your goal
Is he your pet
I can see you
I can feel you
I hate you
I am speaking to you
You are in my mirror...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


You are like a grain of sand, all the same.
As your life flashed before your eyes,
you realize.
Apologize and be a reasonable man.
Get off my case.
We are not the same as you.
When the walls bend, breath in.
They will suck you down to the other side.
You are not alone.

After Math

A single drop dribbles down your cheek, 
your hands are perspiring,
your vision is blasted white, 
your chest is breaking your ribs with intense breath, 
you feel like your thoughts have quickened their pace, 
your toes are trembling,    
 as the trembles move up your shins to your knees, 
your body starts to convulse,
 your senses have heightened,
 your heartbeat sounds like an elephant, 
every move you try and make your body denies you,
 and all of this is just,
the after math...


Change your locks
They are Coming
Watch Your Step
You Are Blind
Leave Your Valuables
They Are Useless
Light A Fire
Keep Yourself Warm
Push Through The Barriers
It Cannot Hold You Back
Find Shelter In Me 
For I Am He
Who Created Thee.

File Transfer

A friend of mine gave me some music to listen to. The funny thing wasn't that she gave me music to listen to, or the fact that the band was predictable, boring, constantly repeating, and hold no passion in their voices. The lyrics were so typical it was terrible. The funniest part is that she was so excited that she found a new "indie" band to listen to, but the thing that topped it all was that the music was screaming her the whole time...

Monday, April 21, 2008


They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder... Is this really a true statement? 
Could it be that whoever made this phrase up was in denial that he would fall out of love? 
Can you date someone and be absent from them for years and come back together years later and still have that happily ever after? and if you keep the other person on your mind for those years passing are you wasting your time?
Is it real love if you don’t go a day without thinking of that person?
Is it real love if you can’t say their name without a smile?
Is it real love when you are dying to see, touch, and smell that person?
Is it possible for that movie scene ending when the two meet again in the future?
Have I been thirsting for something that is not obtainable?