Thursday, July 3, 2008


Friend is a funny word.
A friend can come in any form you want it to.
The hardest part to grasp about friends is the fact that not all people are meant to be your friends.
Friends can either be short or long term. 
The people that say "they were never really friends in the first place" is a lie.
They were your friend or maybe even your close friend at that, they just weren't one of your long term friends.
Just because you grew apart does not mean you take them out of the friend category.
Most of the time when friends grow apart there is that feeling of rejection or anger towards the opposite person.
The best thing to do in my mind is figure out who your long term friends are and nurture those friendships.
Be selfless and caring so that in the long run you will still have those friends next to you.
If you put to much effort into those dying relationships then you will come out empty and alone.
Evaluate your friends.


Julie Hibbard said...

And sometimes you wish you could still be friends...but you can't. Aah, that's the one that hurts!
You are a good friend tho...I know that.
Hope all is well with you Samuel.
Momma Hibb

Allison said...

My favorite friends are those that you don't have to see everyday to still be great friends; those that you can spend weeks or months apart and still fall back in to your friendship like no time has passed.